For a Hybridized strategy

Today, the sacrosanct exercise of developing the strategic plan still relies on dated methodologies and compartmentalized approaches, thus limiting its real scope for the company.

Naturally incremental in approach, three-year payments are no longer suited to the future challenges of banks. They are too tied to the present or the recent past to produce innovation or transformation on a parr with the emerging new world.

Conceived in a compartmentalized manner between businesses, they also struggle to include all the key challenges of the Bank (digitization, data, innovation, ethical transformation For Good, etc.) in a global vision.

We can also observe the emergence of a collaborative dimension in the deployment of strategic plans, making it easier to mobilize and engage employees. But this trend remains weak and the associated challenge of cultural transformation is clearly underestimated.

Foresight (major market trends, projections) inspiration (Learning expeditions, feedback from other sectors) and ideation (creativity workshops) must play a central role in the process of defining the strategic plan, in order to think about the world of tomorrow as a whole. In addition, each part of the strategy must resonate with the company’s purpose in order to ensure the consistency of its positioning and its commitments.

Each axis of the strategic plan must then be broken down from an innovation, data, ethics point of view by setting up multidisciplinary teams (Data experts, CSR / ethics managers, representatives of Labs or incubators) and relying on a collaborative approach to ensure the consistency of action plans and budgets.